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for this program. Run Setup to increase the
value to 16.áVD√.Ç>Yu7.╞.╟vÇⁿt+Çⁿt&÷┬ÇtÇⁿtÇⁿt.╟vÇⁿ
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mm = Minutes, zero in front Caps is ignored
s = Seconds Caps is ignored
_s = Seconds, space in front Caps is ignored
ss = seconds, zero in front Caps is ignored
a = am or pm Caps means AM or PM
Time in "Military Time" is based on a 24 hour clock
from 00:00 to 23:59. When not in military time, the
hour after midnight is 12:00 AM to 12:50 AM, and noon
is 12:00 PM.
Any other characters are retained as-is, including
other letters.
The following examples show how the time 14:10 would be
Time:Str(Time,"h:mm a") result "2:10 pm"
Time:Str(Time,"hh:mm A") result "02:10 PM"
Time:Str(Time,"HH:MM") result "14:10"
Time:Str(Time,"H") result "14"
Time:Str(Time,"h") result "2"
The JORF Manual (Shareware Disk Version) 282
You can easily change the AM/PM indicator using the
Time:SetFmt function. If the format is omitted, the
default format of "HH:MM" is used. This default can be
changed using Time:SetFmt.
Chapter Five - JORF Functions 283
Function Time:Sub ( Time, Minutes, Hours, Seconds )
Time:Sub ( Time, "HH:MM:SS" )
Purpose Subtract the specified Minutes, Hours or Seconds from
the Time.
Returns A time.
See Also Time:Add, Date:Sub.
Notes This is a very specialized command that helps you
calculate one minute before or one hour before a time.
Note the parameters are not in smallest-to-largest
order, but feature seconds last because that parameter
is not often set.
There is currently no logic overflow for when you set a
time past or before midnight.
The JORF Manual (Shareware Disk Version) 284
Function Time:Ticks
Purpose Gives an accurate timing mechanism.
Returns The number of ticks since midnight.
See Also Time:Get.
Notes Returns the number clock ticks since midnight. This
may be used to time methods and program processes.
This allows you to time operations with greater
precision than the seconds in the Time:Get command
Currently there are 18 ticks per second on all DOS and
Windows based systems.
Chapter Five - JORF Functions 285
Function To:ASCII ( String )
Purpose Get ASCII value of first character of String.
Returns Returns the ASCII decimal value.
See Also To:Char.
Notes Converts a letter to its ASCII decimal value. For
instance To:ASCII "A" returns 41. Generally String
contains only one character, but can be a word or line
of text.
The JORF Manual (Shareware Disk Version) 286
Function To:Caps ( String )
Purpose Capitalize a string.
Returns Returns the capitalized string.
See Also To:Ucs.
Notes Insures that any character following a space in String
is an upper case letter. Does not affect words or
acronyms that are already in capital letters. This is
used to change the appearance of strings for screen
Chapter Five - JORF Functions 287
Function To:Char ( Value )
Purpose Returns a one character string with the letter
designated by the ASCII Value.
Returns Returns the one letter string.
See Also To:ASCII.
Notes For example, To:Char (41) returns "A".
The JORF Manual (Shareware Disk Version) 288
Function To:Date ( Date, Format )
Purpose Converts a string to a date according to format.
Returns A JORF pointer holding a date value.
See Also To:Time, Date:Str.
Notes Starting with version 2.1 of the JORF language, time
and date are atomic JORF data types. This command
converts a string into the more compact internal date
format. (The date is stored as the number of days
since the hypothetical 01/01/00).
The format is a string saying how to format the date.
The following are special character within the format
Date Formatters
s = String month Caps makes string upper case
w = String weekday Caps makes string upper case
n = Numeric weekday Caps is ignored
m = Month Caps is ignored
mm = Month, zero in front Caps is ignored
d = Day Caps is ignored
dd = Day, zero in front Caps is ignored
y = Year Caps is ignored
yy = Two digit year Caps is ignored
yyyy = Four digit year Caps is ignored
If the format is omitted, the default format is used.
The default format is "MM/DD/YY". This format can be
changed using Date:SetFmt.
Chapter Five - JORF Functions 289
Function To:Int ( Num )
Purpose Returns the integer value of Num
Returns Integer.
See Also Num:Str.
Notes This function truncates decimals, returning the next
lower integer value for positive numbers, and the next
higher integer for negative numbers. You can also
create integer strings (which are often automatically
converted to numbers) using the Num:Str function.
The JORF Manual (Shareware Disk Version) 290
Function To:Lcs ( String )
Purpose Convert a string to lower case.
Returns The lower case string.
See Also To:Ucs.
Notes Converts all characters, including initials and
acronyms, to lower case.
Chapter Five - JORF Functions 291
Function To:Num ( String, Base )
Purpose Convert String to its numeric value. Does not change
items that are already numbers.
Returns Returns the numeric value.
See Also Num:Str.
Notes This function is used to convert to strings and to
format them.
You can use another numbering Base for the conversion.
If Base is omitted or does not have a numeric value,
then BASE 10 is used. Use a Base of 16 for
Hexadecimal, 8 for Octal, or any number from 2 through
36 for other bases.
Strings may be integers, decimals and floating point
numbers with "E" notation (ex. "3.24E-4"). This
command does not change values that are already
numbers, and may be used as a precautionary measure
when the value might or might not have already been